(Weekly Development Log 2) Teejay Lake

1. This week my team will be continuing working on coding and design of the game and focusing on some main features in the game itself.

2. As an individual what I accomplished in the past week was working on my parts in the Marco and made a little cover for our game and a idea of how the game could look like. 

3. As an individual, what I will accomplish by next week is  to make sure I will be making some more art cover or any art design for this game. 

4. As an individual, the way how I want to accomplish theses goals is to by  keep pushing forward and working my best at it. 


1. Me and my teammates didn't get a chance to play test our game because we are still setting it up, but as of this week we will for sure play test our game as soon as possible. 

2. When we do our playtest, we will learn what kinds of issues we could fix if anything goes wrong.

3. The playtester for our game will most likely be me and my teammates. 

4. When we observe our game one of us will be able to see how can we improve the machines to make sure our game look better than before.

5. The question that I would ask my teammates or anyone else that plays our game is "was our game fun to play?", "Is there any kinds of issues in our game when playing?", "How can we improve our game?".

6. When showing our game we hopefully do wish to get feedback from our classmates. 

7. When we do get our feedback, we would continue to learn on how we can make our game more fun to play.

Get Subway Skrrt! Skrrt!

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