(Weekly Development Log 3) Teejay Lake

1. My team's goals for the past week was to begin working on the mechanics of our game during the past week.

2.  The goals that have been accomplished by our team was getting our level design work in our game so far to have a feel of how what our game is about. 

3.  Our team goals for next week is to have our coding mechanics to work on as soon as possible while making sure that we complete our alpha deadline. 

4.  What I have accomplished in the past week was making a couple of titles screens for our game, and creating some levels in our game.

5. What I will accomplished by next week is to help my teammates completing the alpha deadline. 

6.  What I would need to learn to accomplish theses goals is to put in the effort and work as hard as I could possibly can to finish our game.


1. My play testing in our game was moving one of the npc which was Player 1. 

2. What I learned through this play testing was knowing that it stills in needs a bit of work of how it move when the game starts. 

3. So far I was the one who was play testing. 

4. What I observed when play testing our game was that moving player 1 was that it going a slow at first then later it would begin to move very fast while holding the control of our game.

Get Subway Skrrt! Skrrt!

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